Casual Modest Wear
Designed specially for modest muslimah style
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Casual Modest Series
Ironless Hassle Free Modest Fashion
Imagine having a stylish modest fashion look without wasting our time to iron clothes.
Designed with wrinkle-free or minimal ironing needed fabrics, these collections are practical for daily wears, travelling or even as work wears
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Exclusive Modest Hijab
Basic to Hassle Free Instant Hijabs
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AISYA Square Hijabs
Your all time favourite square hijab ~ AISYA, Now available in both plain & printed series.
Adding the minimal yet exclusive look to your modest casual wears
Square Hijab with Niqab
A modest look isn’t perfect without hijab, Aisya is specially made for hijabi or niqabi.
Our 2 in 1 50/60″ Square hijab designed with curved & sharp edges for unlimited style
A basic yet exclusive hijab range, beautifully embellished with crochet borders.
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ADWA Hijrah Series
Complete your hijab with Adwa Hijrah series , our signature wide curved shawls and niqab.
Made of Premium Korean Crepe Chiffon material, that is lightweight, breathable, opaque & fall nicely.
Become our member today with min.purchase of RM100 & you’ll be entitled with following benefits.
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Face Mask & Hand Sanitizer
Ready stock & Better Offer to be grab!
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Hajar A-Line Tunic & Cala cardigan
[gap height=”20px”]Long tunic with simple design & practical to wear for any occasion.
[button text=”PRICE RM79*” letter_case=”lowercase” color=”secondary” link=”https://uswah.my/product-category/wear/basic-tunic/hajar-a-line-tunic/”] [button text=”BUY 1 + 1 Any Tunic/Palazzo/Skirt : RM138″ letter_case=”lowercase” color=”secondary” link=”https://uswah.my/product-category/wear/basic-tunic/hajar-a-line-tunic/”] [button text=”BUY 1 + 1 Any Hijab : RM108″ letter_case=”lowercase” color=”secondary” link=”https://uswah.my/product-category/wear/basic-tunic/hajar-a-line-tunic/”] [button text=”BUY 1 + 1 Aisya Hijrah: RM148″ letter_case=”lowercase” color=”secondary” link=”https://uswah.my/product-category/wear/basic-tunic/hajar-a-line-tunic/”] [button text=”Whatsapp 01158587723″ letter_case=”lowercase” color=”secondary” style=”underline” link=”https://wa.me/601158587723?text=Berminat%20dengan%20produk%20Uswah”] [/col] [/row] [/section] [ux_html] [/ux_html]