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Limited Time Only

11-17 Nov. Offer Will End In :

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New Release: Ironless Tunic

Durra Ruffle & Hurra Flared Tunic
[gap height=”20px”]

Easy to care for, this tunic works well for work wear as well as more casual occasions.

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Durra Ruffle Tunic

The decorative buttons add interest, and the flared cut provide the modesty you have come to expect from USWAH. The ruffles descending at sides are more than just pretty – they give the extra fabric flare and ease of movement.

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Hurra Flared Tunic

The graceful cut with elongated sides, feminine silhouette and ever-stylish front pocket create a flattering and modest look you’ll be proud to wear all year round. The faux front button keeps the piece interesting, while hidding the zipper specially for nursing mothers.

[button text=”Choose Your Color” letter_case=”lowercase” radius=”4″ icon=”icon-angle-down” link=”https://uswah.my/product-category/new-release/hurra-tunic/”] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section label=”NEW RELEASE”] [title style=”center” text=”NEW RELEASE” width=”500px” margin_bottom=”25px”] [row h_align=”center”] [col span=”10″ span__sm=”12″ align=”center”] [ux_products type=”row” columns=”3″ columns__sm=”2″ columns__md=”2″ cat=”688,675,486″ products=”30″ orderby=”title” order=”asc” out_of_stock=”exclude”] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section label=”New Launch Deal” padding=”0px”] [row style=”collapse” width=”full-width” v_align=”middle” h_align=”center”] [col span=”8″ span__sm=”12″ divider=”0″ padding=”20px 10% 20px 10%” bg_color=”rgb(247, 245, 244)”]
NEW RELEASE (11-17 Nov only)

PROMO : Durra & Hurra Tunic

–Buy 1pc + 15% discount from any Hijab Collection*

–Mix 2pc* + FREE Hijab (1pc)

–Mix 4pc* + FREE Hijab (2pc) + FREE Handsock (2pair)

*Mix from (Durra, Hurra Tunic, Palazzo, Skirt)
*Hijab exclude Lujina & Majestica Collection

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(Mix any 3 of Amna, Haura & Aalia)

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Aalia beige

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Aalia bASIC

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Salma, Barika, Bella

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BUY 2 get 5% off

Dress & Basic Wear

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Basic Wear

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Redeem Your Freegift

It is easy as you shopping. No extra effort are needed.


1.Click BURGER MENU icon, as zoom below

2.Choose HAYA’ HANDSOCK / ANY HIJAB from category menu.

3.Choose your preferred item and add to cart.

4.Click CART ICON to view your selected item.

5.View your selected FREE ITEM PRICE.
*Your free item price will automatically change to RM 0.00

6.Click VIEW CART / CHECKOUT to reconfirm your order & price

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List Of Promotion

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PROMO : Durra & Hurra Tunic

–Buy 1pc + 15% discount from any Hijab Collection*

–Mix 2pc* + FREE Hijab (1pc)

–Mix 4pc* + FREE Hijab (2pc) + FREE Handsock (2pair)

*Mix from (Durra, Hurra Tunic, Palazzo, Skirt)
*Hijab exclude Lujina & Majestica Collection

[button text=”View Durra” letter_case=”lowercase” radius=”4″ icon=”icon-angle-down” link=”https://uswah.my/product-category/new-release/durra-ruffle-tunic/”] [button text=”View Hurra” letter_case=”lowercase” radius=”4″ icon=”icon-angle-down” link=”https://uswah.my/product-category/new-release/hurra-tunic/”] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ divider=”true” padding=”80px 10% 80px 10%”]


-Buy 2 FREE 1 (Amna, Haura & Aalia)

-Buy 2, get 10% OFF of any Uswah Hijab


-Buy 1, FREE 1 : Buy any Salma, Bella, Barika or Cala Cardigan get FREE HIJAB of Uswah Hijab

-Buy 1 Tunic + 15% OFF any Hijab Collection

-Get 5% discount for 2 pieces & above of any basic wears item ( Tunic, Skirt & Pant)

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from top to toe

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